Supporting Scholars from Around the Globe

The Science & Scholarship Committee is responsible for identifying and managing initiatives that invest in the future of science by supporting students and educators who represent the future scientific interests of our global membership.

Our Initiatives:

The Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (Regeneron ISEF) Special Awards Organization

Awards scholarships to student research projects at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (Regeneron ISEF), the world’s largest global pre-college science competition. Owned and produced by the Society for Science, Regeneron ISEF provides a platform for the best and brightest young scientists (in 9th to 12th grades) to showcase their science, technology, engineering, or math research.The DCAT Science & Scholarship Committee facilitates DCAT’s participation as a Special Awards Organization at Regeneron ISEF. DCAT’s participation enables the organization to invest in the bio/pharmaceutical industry’s future by supporting young scholars who represent the geographic regions and areas of study reflected in DCAT’s global membership.

In 2024, DCAT awarded scholarship funding of $35,000, to student scientists of seven projects who participated in Regeneron ISEF, which was held in Los Angeles, California, on May 11-17, 2024. Click here to read more about our 2024 recipients.

Since 2017, DCAT has awarded over $100,000 in scholarship funding to student scientists participating at Regeneron ISEF. See below for recent winners.

  • Click here to read more about our 2024 recipients.
  • Click here to read more about our 2023 recipients.
  • Click here to read more about our 2022 recipients.
  • Click here to read more about our 2021 recipients.
  • Click here to read more about our 2020 recipients.

The scholarships are funded via member support, including the upcoming DCAT Scholarship Golf Outing,  on June 24, 2024, at TPC Jasna Polana, in Princeton, New Jersey. Further information on how DCAT Member Companies can support this event may be found here.

Careers in Pharma

DCAT’s newest initiative to create content for university students regarding the wide variety of career opportunities available in the pharmaceutical industry.

  • Careers in Pharma: A Q&A with Industry Professionals – In this recorded video, industry professionals provide knowledge and answer questions about working in the industry and how to get started. Watch the 2024 webinar below.
Watch the 2023 Careers in Pharma Webinar Here


The Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT) awarded total scholarship funding of $35,000 to student scientist finalists of seven projects who participated in the Regeneron International Science & Engineering Fair (Regeneron ISEF) held in Los Angeles, California, on May 11-17, 2024. Click here to read the full press release.

The 2025 Regeneron ISEF will be held on May 10-16, 2025, in Columbus, Ohio. Stay tuned for an announcement introducing our 2025 recipients.