DCAT Webinar Focuses on Leadership During Uncertain Times

Robbinsville, New Jersey September 8, 2020 — On September 1, 2020, DCAT member company representatives enjoyed a complementary webinar, Personal Agility: The Foundation for Leading Through Uncertainty and Disruption featuring Carol Seymour, Founder and CEO of Signature Leaders and recently announced as one of the Top 40 Female Keynote Speakers of 2020 from RealLeaders. The webinar is part of a series organized by the DCAT Alliance for Industry Women Committee. Sponsored by XGen Pharmaceuticals DJB, Inc., the event included a giveaway of Ms. Seymour’s book, Wisdom Warriors: Journeys Through Leadership AND Life, to five lucky attendees.

Ms. Seymour’s presentation focused on the 5 key “Stays” for cultivating personal agility during this uncertain and disruptive time: stay healthy, stay open, stay connected, stay inquisitive and stay passionate. These five stays are designed to help individuals be intentional and create forward momentum and energy.  During a time when it feels like so much is out of our control, these five intentions are a reminder that there still are things within our control.

About DCAT

The Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT) is a not-for-profit, global business development association whose unique membership model integrates both innovator and generic drug manufacturers and suppliers of ingredients, development and manufacturing services, and related technologies. We are committed to provide programs, events and services that help our members meet their business objectives, expand their network of customers and suppliers, and gain insight into industry trends, markets, and those issues impacting pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. With over 400 corporate members, DCAT is headquartered in Robbinsville, New Jersey.